Re: CS>Adding peroxide to CS
From: Ode Coyote
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 08:53:31

  > Isn't silver oxide black to brown in color? I have  made suspended
  > silver oxides and it appears as shades of black.

  > Silver carbonate  is very cloudy white for a  any light
  > till the light changes it to grey. Silver chloride too.

  > Ode

  Hi Ken,

  I experienced a similar phenomenon about a year ago. Adding  H2O2 to
  the cs caused a yellow explosion that turned into a white cloud.

  It was apparently caused by the residue left on the electrodes  by a
  bad batch  of  Walmart dw. The coating was very hard  and  would not
  come off by scraping, but it came off when the electrode was used as
  the cathode.  It  took 7 runs swapping the electrodes  each  time to
  clean them. Here is part of the post:


    I was having problems with a hard black coat on the  anodes caused
    by some  unexplained  change  in  the  Wallmart  dw.  Swapping the
    electrodes removed the coating from the cathode, but it reappeared
    on the new anode. This was tough to get rid of. Eventually I found
    a dw  called "Life" made by a pharmaceutical company. It  seems to
    work well, and eventually solved the problem.

    The cs  made during this time had such a strange  reaction  I only
    mentioned it in private email. Nobody would believe it.

    When I  poured the cs in a large jar and added the tiniest  bit of
    H2O2, the entire jar would explode in a bright yellow  color, then
    a white cloud would appear hiding everything.

    It did  this for 7 straight runs. I am appending the data  for all
    the runs  for your examination, and the UPC codes for  each bottle
    of dw.

    On the  8th  run,  adding H2O2 did  not  produce  the  huge yellow
    explosion, and it has not appeared since.


  I later  discovered  adding salt to the cs produced  a  similar hard
  coat on  the electrodes. This was the result of a  second experiment
  to visualize ion flow while brewing cs:

  For those  who might be interested, the first method  was  much more

Best Wishes,

Mike Monett

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