At 09:46 AM 9/10/2004, you wrote:
...I think I will start doing that with my dog, he will probably really like
it, LOL. I have been giving him CS at a rate of 1 Tablespoon 4 X a day to
address a wide-spread staph skin infection ( it is not as nasty as it
sounds!) and he has been on it a little over a week with minor changes. I
really didn't expect CS to do better than antibiotics,

I have been noticing you all give your dogs CS internally for the skin infections you describe.  Our Australian cattle dog has been plagued for the last three weeks with a raw and sore patch about two inches across near her tail.  Other dogs we have had in the past also got this condition in the summer -- the vet called it a fungus infection from the grass, but I really don't know it that is what it is.   In years past we used Sulfodene with good success.  This year we were using Sulfodene and another spray medication called BIO Tek Pet spray.  Either or both would give the dog temporary relief from the intense itching, but the raw patch would not clear up.  Finally, the light bulb went on, and I began to apply CS directly to the hot spot.  Within a day or two the spot began to heal was scabbing over, and we had one grateful and relieved dog.

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