At 12:32 AM 15/09/04, Richard wrote:
explain that if you had the condition, you would try certain simple  things
hoping for and expecting to obtain relief--Then, they ask "Would something
else be just as good?" and perhaps it might; however, if you were aware of
both and recommended the first, it sort of makes you feel funny and wonder,
why did you come to ask me?

People today are in a weird position psychologically. They don't have the stability of the village community system to know who does what and what works by local evidence. But they have been scientifically conditioned to the "white coat/replacement Priest" engram. We actually KNOW that it is wrong to trust a person who makes an awful lot of money from your being/staying sick, but that conditioning is solid and relentless.

Then. at the end, they are lazy. That is why the same product can cost half as much "down the road" and people won't know - they won't research. And the blandishment of " just take this pill and it will all be ok in the morning/2 weeks" without giving up the good life and doing any work.................

They all want just confirmation - and the quick fix, Richard, just the fix.

A simple observation:
95% of all people are frightened of Doctors. ( No it isn't respect, it is ingrained fear, a most necessary aspect of brainwashing) If all Doctors simply flatly told there patients:
"You MUST give up smoking and sugar immediately or you will DIE!"
70% of their business would be gone in 5 years, wouldn't it?

One famous heart surgeon in Oz started telling people he would no longer operate on idiots who kept smoking. Boy! Did they jump on him!


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