Hi Susie,

I'm no vet or any other kind of expert, but here's my gut reaction...

Yes, I think you should be patient a little longer and continue the 

Here's what I'm wondering: I don't remember if you said this, but did 
his condition noticeably worsen at any time *after* starting him on the 

If so, then thinking about a herx reaction makes sense, and holding at 
these doseage levels until symptoms begin to subside, or even reducing 
the dose some if there seems to be too much discomfort, would be 

If his condition has stayed the same or was steadily getting worse 
*before* the CS, and just continued to do so, then you still might need 
to keep increasing the dose until the condition either a) improves, or 
b) deteriorates, at which point you hold or back down again, by the 
same logic as above.

What we are generally guided by is the idea of "dosing for effect." You 
can't know exactly the quality or potency of the silver product you're 
buying or making, or how the particular animal is going to respond to 
it given its present condition. Therefore, it's all but impossible to 
guess the dose in advance. You can only ramp up gradually and watch the 

Finally, I'd not hesitate to work him up to low concentration ( ~5 ppm 
+/- a few ) CS as his sole water supply. Or give it to him as an option 
and see what he chooses. You can't overdose *except* in terms of a herx 
reaction causing too much stress on his system. The material you're 
giving him is otherwise pretty safe as far as most of us can tell. Now 
that you're making your own, it ought to be cheap enough to try that.

Just be cautious during the transition from the commercial product to 
your home-made. They may be very different, so the dose may turn out to 
be quite different as well.

Add to all this your otherwise good care regimen and your loving 
attention and he will have the best chance he's going to ever have.  

I wish you well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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