Thank you Himagain,

This dog is an Akita. A purebred. Someone obviously did not want him as he
was dumped when he was a puppy, probably a breeder realizing he had a
time-bomb on his hands. I took him in at 3 months old (11 at night, pouring
down-rain, a pup shows up in our yard). He is my first and only dog. He is
almost 13, a testament to what I have been doing for him as Akita's are only
supposed to live 10-12 years. They are genetic time-bombs, have a lot of
problems. Just because one treats even entirely holistically, does not
guarantee one will not have problems, maybe even constant struggles. He has
been vaccinated only twice (once was a mistake, won't go there), he has
eaten a species appropriate home-prepared raw diet for at least 10 years (in
fact I need to go grind his raw chicken and vegetables) he eats better than
I do. He sleeps in the same room with us, walks with me 4 times a day in my
neighbors 15 acres. His Dad and I are home all day with him, he eats fresh
grasses every day. But he has SA (Sebaceous Adenitis) admittedly a tough
problem to treat even holistically. He is even featured in a booklet called
"Beyond Probiotics" under the veterinary section when his holistic vet saved
his life through Soil Based Organisms around 5-6 years ago, and got him off
antibiotics. Then I found Moducare, an autoimmune supplement-basically plant
fats (sisterols). It was like a literal miracle in a bottle. It worked for
almost 4 years until his TCM vet (Traditional Chinese Medicine) prescribed
appropriate herbals for him (he was a master herbalist) that subsequently
made him somehow lose control. The Moducare does not work for him anymore. I
managed to keep him off antibiotics for years until these herbs somehow
knocked him off equilibrium and I let him suffer for a year with this
infection, trying Transfer Factor, Immune modulating mushrooms, Cytolog,
Colostrum, etc. etc. All these probably kept him around and reasonably
healthy but his skin still became such a mess that I had no choice and
literally drug myself kicking and screaming to the vet for abx last year. I
know darn well they are not a cure and are suppressive. Which is exactly why
I am here crying on this board as he is in much the same situation now
(almost a year later) and I am desperately giving CS a go. His vet visit is
in just under a month. I am going to give the CS that long and if there is
no change I am not going to let this old dog suffer. I still am in a puzzle
why the CS isn't kicking in. Maybe I need more time???????

Also one thing: I am giving him a supplement called Biosuperfood. It is very
advanced. It has been theorized that he is undergoing an extreme detox/herx
from this but that is where I get into the quandry again about where does
true detox begin and a product not being therapeutic to the situation, end?
And the theory about detoxification/herx being short lived and not as
intense as the original disease state is just not so. I have heard from vets
and especially from homeopathy, it can be MORE intense and sometimes go on
for a very long time. THIS is where I am tripped up. And it would be
different if he had years ahead of him, but he does not. Quality of life.


/// That question is fairly easy, Susie:
The "healing crisis" or "herx" effect  is extremely well-known in real
"traditional" medicine and is characterised by two things:
1. It is never as severe as the first cause.
2. It fluctuates. ( Most important with observing animals - old time vets
knew this...... anyone remember Dr Eli Wallach(sp.?)  did a very funny tape
called "Dead Doctors Don't Lie")

The so-called  fast action of anti-biotics ( never a truer name!)  is
because of two main factors:
1. The devastating shock to the body - shuts down the body's normal warning
2. Their best-kept secret:  anaesthetic effects built-in to the process.

You CANNOT win long term if you constantly assault the body like
this.  It's like people complaining of Diverticulitis  haemorrhoids, etc
etc  who eat white flour, white sugar, pastry, coffee, chocolate.
You have to stop doing those things.

As for your dog - is it fed REAL dog food?  Not out of a box/can, but the
stuff called meat - raw meat, fresh as possible?
Does he have access to grassed areas?  Sick animals will eat various
grasses (herbs) with an instinctive knowledge. Cats denied this access
never can handle the natural furballs they ingest without it.

But, at the end of the day, animal lovers don't want to know the truth:
Any animal denied its natural activities is going to be stressed, sick and
crazy and nothing is more cruel than having a working dog as a pet in the
city, except perhaps denying them a mate and companionship of their own
Ever noticed the sheer ecstasy of a dog when given access to his own kind?
Ever wondered why bush dogs don't get sick like captives?


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