
It's not personal.  It's legal.

In court the first responsibility of an MD is to prescribe pharmaceuticals
rather than suggest clean water or food to patients.

Know their 'legal lay of the land'.  They are trapped.  Many know, but
think/feel they cannot forfeit a $100,000. education, risk loosing their
mortgage or family society status to finding a different occupation.

Dr. David Hawkins, MD, PhD says that choices of money and trappings no
longer create success but INTEGRITY to whatever field - making mouse traps -
whatever - is the new definition of success.

The irony: A portfolio will not produce health but buy the best MD to
prescribe expensive pharmaceuticals.  Universal Humour at it's best?

I agree with your conclusion.  ...stick with what works, no matter what
(allopathic and some science - my interjection) professionals say.

Truth produces health.



From: sol <>

   I think the amount of H202 one would add to EIS is small enough not
to be a problem even if one believes H202 is a problem.  I myself still
believe straight 3% H202 is a perfectly good wound flush for immediate
first aid, and I would also have no hesitation to use it on an infected
wound where I wanted to debride the pus and infected cells off the
wound. It does kill new cells, but I personally never have continued to
use it on a non-infected healing wound, nor do I know anyone else who
has. I think perhaps they don't like peroxide because it is cheap and

   With my mother who got many infected wounds on her legs in her last
couple years, she had this argument with the public health nurse and the
doctor several times. However, the "wound wash" and the neosporin they
always wanted to put on her wounds invariably let them become terribly I don't know what the medical deal is, maybe just
drumming up business for abx prescriptions? Whatever, I was completely
underwhelmed by their alternatives to peroxide. However they were very
insistent that we not use it, to the point where both the Dr. and the
nurse became very angry. Had I known about EIS those days, I'd have used it.

  So we just quit telling them what we were doing. God knows my mother
would probably have lost a leg, if I had let them treat her their way
only. I remember once the nurse washing a leg wound, and putting on
neosporin, they next morning it was unbelievably worse and inflamed.

They insisted I was wrong about the reaction to the neosporin. I would
clean the wound my way, and put on a vit e ointment (from a clean new
jar of ointment) and it would be better when the dressing was changed,
but the nurse would still be horrified that I had taken off her dressing
and re-done it, saying I was making things worse.

FWIW, my mother is the one who wanted peroxide used, as she said it was what
she always used and she never used to get infections from cuts andscratches.

   Medical people see what they want to see, I guess. Sort of like the
rest of us, but then I know I saw what I saw....and my mom reported less
pain in the wounds when I took care of them, too.

   I ended up feeling less respect for doctors and nurses than I had
ever had, and also believing one just has to try different things, and
stick with what works, no matter what the professionals say.

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