You wrote, "...we used full strength H2O2 ..."
What strength is full?

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Venzon [] 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 8:02 PM
Subject: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CS>Hydrogen Peroxide

I agree with Sol on the initial use of H2O2, I was a Home Health Nurse
for many years and we used full strength H2O2 all the time on infected
wounds, however tha last few years they had us dilute it to 1/2 strength
with Normal Saline. The new skin tissue did seem to heal better, look
pinker and moister. After awhile just plain Normal saline was the best .
However this was all after the reallly bad infection was cleared out.
Just plain moist Normal Saline after the wound was clean  healed most
wounds beautifully.

sol <> wrote: 

I think the amount of H202 one would add to EIS is small enough not 
to be a problem even if one believes H202 is a problem. I myself still 
believe straight 3% H202 is a perfectly good wound flush for immediate 
first aid, and I would also have no hesitation to use it on an infected 
wound where I wanted to debride the pus and infected cells off the 
wound. It does kill new cells, but I personally never have continued to 
use it on a non-infected healing wound, nor do I know anyone else who 
has. I think perhaps they don't like peroxide because it is cheap and 