I was trained to use peroxide to wash wounds in animal care, while
working at the vet school here in Texas. We were told that it does
impeded new cell growth but that all you had to do was rinse it well
after cleaning the wound. This is true of another allopathic fav,
Betadine, it impededs new cell growth as well. Yet it is the number one
surgical scrub!

There is a huge dis-information campaign against H2O2, like DMSO and CS.
It is not patentable so of course it is BAD for you and will make things
worse, oh no!!! Be afraid, very very afraid to use your own judgement
least you take away our jobs! (Which we majorly suck at most of the
time, but that is beside our point. Our malpractice insurance and
licensing boards tell us how to practice medicine, we can not and will
not think for ourselves or we would have to get out of allopathic


On Mon, 2004-09-27 at 08:36, William Amos wrote:
> Hello all:
> In the October-2004 issue of Readers Digest there is an article on  " First 
> Aid You Should Never Use".
> Included is the use of Hydrogen Peroxide. Dermatologist Robert Kirsner, a 
> spokesperson for the American Academy of Dermatology mentions Hydrogen 
> Peroxide, along with other medications can be toxic to skin cells, impeding 
> healing and killing healthy cells. 
> Does anyone have have information on mixing CS and H2O2
> as being safe to use either internally or externally ?
> Bill Amos
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