Christine wrote:
>Gregg Braden did a talk at a Washington state high school for about 3
>hours. The principal advised allowing about 15 minutes for the first 
rows of 'disruptive and disabled' children to be 'removed' before 
into the meat of the talk.  Braden elected to talk at a rapid fire 
with overheads of patterns from sacred sites, crop circles, DNA 
spirals, and
images from leading edge physics.  After the three hour lecture all the
typically 'disruptive' children were in the auditorium.  They listened
>quietly and attentively. hmmm... No one removed from the lecture...

This does not surprise me at all.  I have worked with those "disabled" children 
in schools.  Most of them are right-brained individuals trying to function in a 
predominantly left-brained world.  Very difficult for them not to be accepted 
for who they are.  I wonder if Einstein were a kid in school today, what kind 
of fate would he meet with?


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