An interesting thought from Dr. Tiller of Stanford. I paraphrase a section from Conscious Acts of Creation, which I have just started reading.

When watching TV or listening to the radio, if you want to know the contents of another channel, you MUST tune to that frequency.

Hmmmm. . . .

Food for thought.


On Thursday, Sep 30, 2004, at 00:50 Asia/Tokyo, Christine Carleton wrote:

From: David Bearrow <>
than simply benefits.  This is beyond science as we know it.
That would put it in the realm of fantasy or superstition.


Beyond science is quantum physics.

If one curtails themselves exclusively to the world of double blind
traditional science they would volunteering to live in a realm of illusion, falsehoods, fantasy, superstition, greed etc., and distinctly denying and
circumventing the potential to find truth.

Any adept can muscle test each statement for truth.  The results can be
different from what one thinks(ego) is right.

Fortunately Kinesiology appears to be hitting the mainstream Sept '04.
Dr. Phil McGraw showing a young boy on 'mental numbing meds for
hyperactivity' how to 'muscle test for what his body wanted.
PBS had Dr. Wayne Dyer lecturing about the power of intent relative to the
frequency of emotional consciousness and potential.
Dr. Hawkins says everyone can determine the truth of the news in the comfort
of their living room instead of believing what media, (& science) says.
Dr. Frank Lawlis demonstrates electronic bio-feedback effective controlling
erratic brain impulses as shown in neuro diagnosed ADD/ADHD kids.

We and our children have the potential to live in world of truth (not
innuendo or accucations) if they learn to muscle test. It's a muscle. It
takes exercise.

Some science benchmarks may dissolve as they have in the face of quantum physics. Oh well... That's progress! Leading edge people like Dr. Candace Pert have taken massive hits over moving science into the quantum realms,
however, truth just won't go away.  See book 'Molecules in Motion'.

Use Kinesiology with the amounts and frequency of CS consumption. We are unique with our own biorhythms, and there is no uniform prescription. Listen within. Test the direction you stir your CS water relative to one's body's
ability to uptake.  There is a difference.  Your body knows.

Thoughts/emotions influence results. Thoughts have frequency. Thoughts
are measurable and controllable.  How to get to 200 MHz level thoughts?
Hawkins benchmarks work suggests drop attitudes/behaviours such as
Indifference, Demanding, Pride, Scorn, Inflation = 175 MHz
Vengeful, Antagonistic, Anger, Hate, Aggression = 150 MHz
Denying, Disappointing, Desire, Craving, Enslavement = 150 MHz etc...

Integrity is not hallmark of the prevailing governing bodies - e.g., FDA, published abstracts, etc. The system is cracking. Integrity is required.

Gregg Braden did a talk at a Washington state high school for about 3
hours. The principal advised allowing about 15 minutes for the first five rows of 'disruptive and disabled' children to be 'removed' before getting into the meat of the talk. Braden elected to talk at a rapid fire rate, with overheads of patterns from sacred sites, crop circles, DNA spirals, and
images from leading edge physics.  After the three hour lecture all the
typically 'disruptive' children were in the auditorium.  They listened
quietly and attentively. hmmm... No one removed from the lecture...

Whose got challenges?  Curiously some teachers complained that Braden
spoke too fast, and the information was beyond... Humm?? The kids remained attentive in the face of truth. Why can some teachers not see the impact
and results?

Sparks other questions.  Is science/medicine correctly diagnosing,
medicating and serving these children? Do they act out because they are
curtailed to the limits of conventional science? Would the work of Dr. Frank Lawlis and others who question the current status quo be helpful to them?

Could some of science operating in a realm of illusion, falsehoods, fantasy, superstition etc., and distinctly denying and circumventing the potential to
find truth for purposes beyond integrity?


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