Sorry to have to tell you this but water doesn't run up hill. If you want to get the silver in your sinus cavities you have to have them lower than your port of entry (Nostrils). That means tilting your head forward to the point of having the top of your head flat on the floor.
  The old tip your head forward idea doesn't work.

Paul Holloway wrote:
Hello Brickey,

Some suggestions for additions to your mix:
Hydrogen peroxide (small amounts, increase to find your tolerance, too much 
causes pain and congestion)
Tea tree oil (dissolve in the DMSO in very small amounts before adding to the 
CS, too much causes pain and congestion)
Xylitol (good for killing bugs, and tastes nice)

I would also recommend trying a sinus flood, filling your sinuses with your 
mixture with your head hanging backwards off the end of your bed. Let it soak 
for 2-3 minutes, hold your nose, turn over and soak for another 2-3 minutes 
before snorting it out. Wait 40 minutes and repeat, I find this is very 
effective at removing encrusted gunk that simple irrigation doesn't do much 
for, and for getting at more of the sinus cavities.
I do a final irrigation, not with a waterpik, but with an adapted enema kit, 
with a liter of saline and a little baking soda and peroxide.

There are several essential oils that are good for sinuses - oregano, thyme, 
star anise, citronella, clove and cinnamon are ones I use as they are 
antifungal as well as antibacterial. I put a couple of drops on a tissue and 
inhale the vapor.

I hope this helps,

Paul H

----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 7:28 PM
  Subject: CS>Sinus update

  It has been one year of treating my sinus using a DR Grossan hydro pulse 
(water pick).  I flush my sinus with 100 ml of CS with 5 ml DMSO and 3 t MSM in 
a 16 ounce bottle of CS, twice per day.  I bought a $25 water pick from 
Walgreens and used an extra nose adapter that I keep in my RV so I can flush 
while traveling.  Water pick for $25 seems to work fine.
The DMSO seems to have really helped.
  My sinuses can usually be drained after flushing by tilting my head to each 
side.  This AM they did not drain after flushing. Most flushes are nearly 95% 
clear of mucus now.

  One DR Grossan unit quit on me.  They replaced the unit but said no more as 
they did not like me using the CS/DMSO/Xylitol mixture and I was not washing 
the unit with water after each use.

  My asthma and Barrettes Esophagus are both still here.  I was hoping that 
clearing my sinus would also clear those problems. I believe it may take 
another year of flushing to note improvements in the other problems, and like 
my sinus DR said I need to keep flushing because of a broken nose.

  I am now taking 8 ounces of 20 PPM CS with 5 ml DMSO and adding 1 1/3 T of 
Gatorade twice per day for my Esophagus and acid reflux. Asthma I use two new 
inhalers, Advair and Spirax, Albuterol no longer helped me, my Walgreens 
personal Humidifier did not help that much.  Its switch started hanging up so I 
leave it on and unplug the electricity.

  I also use my led array over my Esophagus nearly every day.  Arthritis flared 
up in my wrist and the led was not much of a help.  My pulsed magnet worked 


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