WOW!! Tell us more, please!
I  know that the little I know of acupressure works, the nausea point in the
arm has always worked for me, as well as the sinus points on the nose and

> Little children often do what's necessary automatically. Rubbing the ear
> lobe is very relaxing, there are points there for sensual (hence the
> lover nibbling on his lovers ear lobe) and also for the brain. I rub the
> front part whenever I have to take a test. The upper triangle contains
> Shen Men - a very important point in Chinese medicine and acupuncture -
> it's for inner emotional balance. It would be the frontmost corner of
> the triangle. And the  lower parts of the  head flap (next to where
> Elvis had his sideburns) are good for appetite control and it is called
> tranquility point  and INCREASES THE ENDORPHINS in the brain. This is
> all true. Find those points.
> Best wishes,
> Adie
> >>> 11/3/2004 9:52:56 AM >>>
> Cool tip Adie, I love ear rubs and find that they relieve headaches.
> Nice to know that ear tip point is for allergies. I learned about ear
> rubbing from a horse seminar. Pulling and rubbing their ears gives
> them
> some relief during colic. Interestingly enough my daughter did this
> for
> herself when she was a baby if she was colicking -- she had a lot of
> gas
> colic from a slow to develop pace maker in her ascending colon where
> CO2
> is suppose to be absorbed, hers was not resting and allowing CO2 to
> absorb so she was passing all that gas with accomnpanying gas pains.
> Went away when she started to crawl but getting it diagnosed was very
> difficult. Apparently 15% of new borns have this uncoordinated
> autonomic
> nervous system until they crawl. Runs in both sides of the family I
> found out.
> Garnet
> On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 09:41, Adrienne Elliott wrote:
> > You can gently pinch the apex of the ear (top) hold inside and
> outside
> > both. That is allergy point in Chinese Medicine (acupuncture). In 3
> > minutes you will be fine. You can do it 3-4 times a day during
> allergy
> > season.
> > Best wishes to all with allergies.
> > Adie
> >
> > >>> 11/2/2004 5:21:25 PM >>>
> > Could be the infection wasn't in the frontal lobe area. I wouldn't
> want
> >
> > to put stream of pressure in my head that would reach the sinuses. I
> > think gravity flow would be kinder.
> > Dave
> >
> > wrote:
> > > In a message dated 11/1/2004 5:27:14 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > > writes:
> > > Sorry to have to tell you this but water doesn't run up hill. If
> you
> >
> > > want to get the silver in your sinus
> > > Dave how can you explain my sinus infection getting better?  The
> > Hydro pulse
> > > injects the mixture under a slight pressure, sometimes the mixture
> > will not
> > > even drain back out for several hours.
> > >
> > > I tried the air brush as a nebulizer prior to the Walgreens
> > humidifier.  I
> > > used it until the metal cap became a pile of rust.  At that time
> it
> > did not
> > > help.  Clearing my sinuses may make a difference.  Can a new
> > nebulizer be bought
> > > without a DRs prrescription?
> > > Brickey
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
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