Probably the allergy reaction. Some people allergic to peanuts are extremely sensitive indeed and can die of it. Surely it is labelled as being contained in these prodicts? Also, peanuts and perhaps the oils extracted can contain mold toxins, the primary one affecting peanuts (and corn) is aflatoxin. A google on aflatoxin or on "molds and mold toxins" should bring up info on whether the toxins make it into the oils. Having recently discovered that I am allergic to peanuts, I noticed that several brands of roasted cashews labels list peanut oil as one of the oils the cashews "may" have been roasted in. Which probably explains why sometimes they also bother me, and sometimes don't. I know oil roasted nuts aren't the best things to eat, but they are convenient, and taste good. No more for me, unless I do them myself. Manufactured foods, even things like bottled salsa often list just "salt" on the label. Calling mfrs has netted me the info that they often use ingredients made by another mfr, and don't even know if the salt used is iodized or not. Could be either one. Lots of iodine containing ingredients are left off labels, or are considered natural, and so don't need to be mentioned except under "natural flavoring" or similar. And in the U.S. I found mfrs can change product ingredients at any time, and are legaly allowed 6 months or more to change their labelling to reflect the changed ingredients.
Yet another argument for "scratch" cooking and eating.


David Bearrow wrote:

What is wrong with peanut oil? Please provide references as well as anecdotal evidence.

David Bearrow

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