At 05:31 AM 20/11/04, you wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have odema of the lower abdomen and legs, very recent.
This is due mainly to a heart problem which at times my blood pressure
drops and i go into a sort of heart failure.
Can silver help with this?
If so, what amount should i take daily?
The odaema is so bad that it is seeping through my skin.
I am on Frusemide maximum dose 160mg daily but this doesnt help..
Hoping that silver can.
Hi there,
No Silver can't help there, I believe, or the pharmaceuticals.
Silver is for infections, burns, to promote healing. You have to stop
eating whatever it is that is killing you.
As you are in very bad shape, I would suggest obtaining and following ANY
book on FOOD COMBINING - particularly Jackie Le Tissier's "Food Combining
For Vegetarians" ISBN 0 7225 2763 2 Hers is easy to read and fascinating.
You say "very recent" - an almost sure sign that your problems are
exacerbated by medical "treatment".
The rather deadly concoction you are being given is better known as
Here is a mild description of its dangers:
Adverse Effect & Precaution
Fluid and Electrolyte imbalance, nausea, anotrexia, vomiting, epigastric
distress, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, muscle cramps,
drowsiness, dizziness, paraesthesia, hyperuricaemia, decrease in tolerance
to carbohydrates and deafness (transient). Hearing impairment and deafness
are usually reversible.
Allergies : Allergic reaction to frusemide may occur. Pregnancy: In
general, diuretics are not useful for normal edema of feet and hands that
occurs during pregnancy. Diuretics should not be taken during pregnancy.
Breast-feeding : Frusemide passes into breast milk. Older adults:
Dizziness, light-headedness, or signs of hypokalemia may be more likely to
occur in the elderly, who are more sensitive to the effects of this drug.
Elderly patients may also be more likely to develop thrombii.
Pregnancy: Use with caution.
Breast Feeding: Use with caution.
Man: Use with Caution.
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