Please take a look here
Not CS, but works for many.

Paul H
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: suzy sue 
  Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 9:32 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>swelling legs, new topic for a beginner

  Yes Jon, i am also on a large array of heart drugs, and they all seem to have 
stopped working correctly.  


  Sue and he 4 Goldens
  >From: John Rigby <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: CS>swelling legs, new topic for a beginner 
>Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 16:18:06 +1000 > >At 05:31 AM 20/11/04, you wrote: > 
>>Hello everyone, >> >>I have odema of the lower abdomen and legs, very recent. 
>> >>This is due mainly to a heart problem which at times my blood >>pressure 
drops and i go into a sort of heart failure. >> >>Can silver help with this? >> 
>>If so, what amount should i take daily? >> >>The odaema is so bad that it is 
seeping through my skin. >> >>I am on Frusemide maximum dose 160mg daily but 
this doesnt help.. >> >>Hoping that silver can. > >Hi there, >I AM NO MEDICAL 
FRANCHISEE _ THIS IS ANECDOTAL: >No Silver can't help there, I believe, or the 
pharmaceuticals. >Silver is for infections, burns, to promote healing. You have 
to >stop eating whatever it is that is killing you. >As you are in very bad 
shape, I would suggest obtaining and >following ANY book on FOOD COMBINING - 
particularly Jackie Le >Tissier's "Food Combining For Vegetarians" ISBN 0 7225 
2763 2 >Hers is easy to read and fascinating. > >You say "very recent" - an 
almost sure sign that your problems are >exacerbated by medical "treatment". > 
>The rather deadly concoction you are being given is better known as 
>"LASIX"(r) >Here is a mild description of its dangers: > Adverse Effect & 
Precaution > >Fluid and Electrolyte imbalance, nausea, anotrexia, vomiting, 
>epigastric distress, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, >weakness, muscle 
cramps, drowsiness, dizziness, paraesthesia, >hyperuricaemia, decrease in 
tolerance to carbohydrates and deafness >(transient). Hearing impairment and 
deafness are usually reversible. > >Allergies : Allergic reaction to frusemide 
may occur. Pregnancy: In >general, diuretics are not useful for normal edema of 
feet and hands >that occurs during pregnancy. Diuretics should not be taken 
during >pregnancy. Breast-feeding : Frusemide passes into breast milk. Older 
>adults: Dizziness, light-headedness, or signs of hypokalemia may be >more 
likely to occur in the elderly, who are more sensitive to the >effects of this 
drug. Elderly patients may also be more likely to >develop thrombii. 
>Pregnancy: Use with caution. >Breast Feeding: Use with caution. >Man: Use with 
Caution. > >Cheers, > >Himagain > > > >-- >The Silver List is a moderated forum 
for discussing Colloidal >Silver. > >Instructions for unsubscribing are posted 
at: > >To post, address your message to: >Silver List archive: 
> > >Address Off-Topic 
messages to: >OT Archive: > >List maintainer: 
Mike Devour <> >