Hi Joni;

I would be feeding the cat a raw meaty bone diet (less likelihood to trigger
off allergies) the poop has very little smell to it as a bonus.

I would suggest ventilation (get humidistat hooked to a fan and put the pipe
opening within 2 inches of the lowest part of the basement) this will help
lower molds and such growing in the basement.

I have had Heilkunst homeopathic treatment for my chemical intolerance and I
feel way better at 57 then I was at 26 :o)))  It has also helped my dogs as

Here are some links on why I recommend a Heilkunst type homeopath.  They
look into the environment, nutrition and emotional trauma's and can treat
with remedies or suggest the best alternative treatment and in what order it
is best to tackle the changes.  Even good changes done too quickly can cause
a lot of problems.

I use Rudi Verspoor mailto:hchcli...@heilkunst.com  or Phone (clinic):
1-613-830-8307 (appointments)
1-613-692-6950 (information and billing)

Heilkunst type homeopaths available at
My friend uses Ati but they are all good :o)))
mailto:hchcli...@heilkunst.com  or phone 613-830-8307  for appointment
Ms. Ati Petrov  DMH, HD (RHom.)
613-830-8307 - East clinic (Orleans at Apple Hill on St. Joseph)
613-761-6405 - West clinic

Catherine Shields catherineshie...@sympatico.ca
http://www.arcanum.ca/about_us.html (will also work with email)
They work at distance and the homeopathic remedies are included in the
consult, but the shipping is extra but minimal as they do not weigh much.

http://www.heilkunst.com/  i...@heilkunst.com


-----Original Message-----
From: Joni Lovegrove [mailto:haw...@msn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 8:35 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Asthma

The email below was also very helpful to me, I have noticed that cleaning
agents with ammonia really set me off, but even vinegar is a trigger, so I
mostly have to rely on my husband to clean anything requiring ammonia and I
leave the house, scrubbing bubbles seem to be the worst culprit.   I have
had to quit going to saloon to get my hair cut, the smell of amonia and
artificial nail cemet is horrible.

I am working on cutting sugar out of my diet, but there are so many food
items that have added sugar, you have to be really careful even when you
have made the effort not to add sugar to anything.

I hadn't thought about cosmetics, especially lipstick, most of my cosmetics
are fragrance free, but I must admit I haven't' checked the labels.

What about cat liter?  We keep it in the basement, but it seems to be a
bigger trigger than the cat?  I can not go into the basement?  You mentioned
air fresheners, very interesting, I have noticed that when my husband tries
to cover up some of the odor from the liter box, it only makes my breathing


----Original Message Follows----
From: John Rigby <jrig...@fablor.com>
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Asthma
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 15:14:19 +1000

At 04:03 AM 23/11/04, you wrote:

>Changing her diet how?
>I am wondering what she might be eating that could cause asthma. I have
>been worried about my 2yo because he had three asthma attacks  ( one really
>bad one ) and "they" want me to put him on steroids for the next 7 years.
>Seems excessive to me and if there is a possiblity of keeping him healthy
>without I'd like to hear it.

Hi Sharon,
First - I have no medical licence - I can only repeat observed results -
called "anecdotal" legally.

1. Has he been vaccinated?   If so, did the first occur soon after the
2. There is no practical evidence for the use of steroids except for - like
most antibiotics - their anaesthetic effect on the system ( like getting and
staying drunk). Their extreme damage potential even to fully grown adults is
3. Was the child breastfed?  If not, the immune system is already severely
compromised.  One should try to not introduce any further dangerous
substances to the child.
4.  You need to research how babies are NATURALLY weaned and whatever you
do, do not feed the child any manufactured/processed foods at all.
Especially do not feed the child milk, unless it is yours.
5.  The list of "modern" foods that cause the symptoms called asthma is
vast.  Baby foods are amongst the worse concoctions you can force down their
little throats.
Then you start on environmental chemicals.
A very common cause of childhood asthma is  adult "cosmetics" - perfumes,
hairspray, lipstick(quite deadly stuff in them today), so-called deodorants,
which are usually vicious chemicals that attack ....... nasal capability!
6.  If the child is in nappies - what are they being washed in?   Try using
borax then triple rinse and finally a cup of CS in the last rinse.
7. Is the child  distressed during/after bathing?  If the water is warm
98F/37C, this can calm almost any state of a child.
Chances are it is an adverse chemical reaction:  Ammonia in the cleaners, (
remember Ammonia and some cleaning compounds used together are capable of
making a pregnant women spontaneously abort) chemicals in the bath soap,
so-called soothing rubs,  "baby" oils.
8. Is the child getting some sunshine every day possible - especially not
behind glass or wearing baby sunglasses.
9.  Is the child being given ANYTHING with white sugar in it? ( 90% of all
fast foods)  Or hydrolised oil? ( Virtually ALL cheap supermarket oils)
10.  Is the environment of the child stressed?  A smiling but frightened
mother is easily seen thru by a child who is working on pheremones to know
what is going on.   Are you using fake smells to cover other ones in the
home?  Auto room deodorizers and toilet ones are very dangerous to your

It all sounds scary at once, but when it is a case of existing illness, then
more effort is needed to determine what the cause is and to maximise the
chances of early recovery.
The only thing we cannot really regress - yet - is the damage done by
vaccination.  But tens of thousands of people are working all over the world
to stop this insane practise through education.  There is no way to stop the
enormous moneymaking machine that it is, only to avoid getting caught up in
it on a personal level.

Just remember - while there is no cure for cancer inside the Medical
Business -  literally a million people have cured themselves simply by
removing themselves from the causes.  A simple natural diet and avoidance of
these things highlighted and almost anything can be regressed.



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Joni Lovegrove