In an odd little book was published in 1994 that made quite a stir: The
Body's Many Cries for Water, by an MD named Batmanghelidj. A claim is made
by this doctor that the cause of most diseases is simply dehydration. Dr. B
provides the reasoning as well as dozens of case studies to support the cure
of a variety of illnesses by simply drinking water.

I have gone on to buy his tapes and other books he has written and when a
friend of a friend was complaining that her anti acids were not working any
more and she lacked the money for the more expensive drugs.  I told her
about the 2 glasses of water for the heart burn an hour before meals, though
if she felt the symptoms of heart burn she could drink the 2 glasses at that
time.  She reported back she had great success with this :o)))

     Chronic dehydration brings its own symptoms, which we have been
conditioned to cover up, either with food or with drugs. Here are a few
examples of dehydration signals:


    peptic ulcer     antacids

    craving sweets    sugar

    depression    antidepressant drugs

    allergies    antihistamines

    Dr B reports his successful treatment of 3000 peptic ulcer patients
using water alone. Anecdotal? He explains how ulcer pain is really a thirst
signal. It actually makes sense: if the intestine is too dehydrated to
adequately refresh its mucus lining every time after the acidic products of
digestion have passed by, the lining will become irritated and painful. The
intestine is not protected from digestive acid like the stomach is. Antacids
will only temporarily cover up the problem. Rehydrating the tract will
enable to intestine to form adequate mucous lining, thus reducing acid
irritation. (p31)

    Similarly with depression, allergies, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, and
addiction to sweets, Dr. Batmanghelidj shows how balancing the extra
cellular fluids and lowering the concentration of the blood to a more normal
dilution can bring consistent resolution to these and many other illnesses.

Also not enough acid production is from the lack of water!!!

    Obviously such an approach is not going to gain the favor of the drug
cartels; here's a guy telling people they don't need heart medication and
diuretics and insulin and Prozac and Viagra and pain drugs any more. All
they really need is two liters of water per day. What if he's right and
people find out about it? The drug business is the foundation our $1.5
trillion medical budget. See the dangers?

    So of course the good doctor ran into some formidable stone walls when
he tried to get attention and funding from the AMA and other mainstream
institutions for researching his theories. He was politely ignored. But a
lot of people are buying the book and finding out the truth.

-----Original Message-----
From: Garnet []
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 11:36 AM
To: Silver List
Subject: Re: CS>- good flora and personal uses

>         > >So -- is that why heartburn and acid reflux are so common
>         in aging
>         > >adults?

We produce less Hydrochloric acid in our stomachs as we age. Eating more
vinegar helps, although it is an acid it alkalinizes your system. It
also helps acidify stomach contents, digestive enzymes work better at
acid pH. Tumeric and cayenne also aid digestion when taken 20 minutes
before a meal. has some interesting info on
improving digestion in AIDS patients and also discusses other
degenerative diseases.

You can take a Betaine Hydrochloride supplement.


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