
Your idea of fighting a situation that is disagreeable such as the vitamin
issue simply by purchasing a gun is one of the reasons the powers that
be.are able to sneak these things in on the unsuspecting public.   Our
forefathers set up a system of voting people who spoke for us to make the anything that happens is in the end our fault.   We should first
find out what the people we elected voted on the thing we don't like.and if
he voted for it.get rid of him/her.and let them know why.

Then, since our legal system and legislators might not care what the
"people" think anymore.then make sure you have the gun..and ammo.  But
exhaust the system.first.

Dr. Kenney



From: George [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: CS>FDA, silver and CODEX


Here are a couple of good places to start...the horses mouth as it were. A
little bit of research will reveal that the commission began in 1963!
Worldwide in 2005? I'm not how much more 'worldwide' it could be since the
last commission had members from 160 countries.

It seems that the folks making the loudest noises about this are the same
folks who, when the Patriot Act was passed, placed themselves in cattle cars
and sent themselves to the Gulag. Some folks live their lives in such fear
that every little thing that can be extropolated into a personal threat
drives them to near catatonia. This list contains more than its share of
these types. 

Myself, I just buy another rifle and case of ammo. Then in the spring I find
another neighbor who needs help putting in a garden.


--Original Message Text---
From: Ken & Nancy
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 00:36:21 -0800

Actually, bbanever, that's a very good point. If CODEX is really all it's
cracked up to be, why isn't every vitamin company, especially the big ones,
getting busy popularizing this problem so a real anti effort gets underway? 

I think I will start looking into this issue a little more, though. 

-Ken Bagwell