
I hope you're right about the supp companies knowing something we don't...but 
in this climate of constant fraud and manipulation, vigilance is the only 
chance we have to prevent at least some of the corruption.  we are losing our 
freedoms right and left, [no pun intended] and I am always concerned when I see 
things like this...I don't know much about the supp industry but I don't feel 
safe in assuming that they are in control of the situation when it comes to 
being up against the pharma-corp-giants.  That being said, however, it is true 
that the supp industry has grown huge in its own right and it is possible that 
they will be able to fight to protect their interests...but when all is said 
and done, I think the industry itself is too new to be able to have gained 
sufficient power and influence among the government and politicians to 
effectively fight the drug-medico industry...and I sincerely hope I'm wrong on 
this...I've just seen too much to trust that the right thing will happen 
anymore ;(

Ah well, one can always hope...

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ken & Nancy 
  Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 3:36 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>FDA, silver and CODEX

  Actually, bbanever, that's a very good point.  If CODEX is really all it's 
cracked up to be, why isn't every vitamin company, especially the big ones, 
getting busy popularizing this problem so a real anti effort gets underway?

  I think I will start looking into this issue a little more, though.

  -Ken Bagwell

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: bbanever 
    Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 10:13 PM
    Subject: CS>FDA, silver and CODEX

    MED - So true.  The one saving grace in all of this is the fact that the 
natural foods, vitamin and supplement industry don't seem too concerned at the 
moment... I haven't seen any of them calling for action, petitions, or the 
like.  Perhaps they know something we don't?