I bought my distiller from Polar bear water distillers in Edmonton about 15 years ago and have had very little trouble with it so far. The one I got is a model 42d25 that makes 25 gallons in 12-13 hours automatically. I would not buy any smaller holding tank than the 25 gal. as that lasts me about 10-14 days. It would be a nuisance to wash and set up every day or so. Polar Bear Water Group (1978) LTD. <>
Dennis wrote:

In a message dated 12/8/2004 4:42:06 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

    Would you know of a good water distiller? Sears has one but they
    want 250.00 Canadian. It’s a “KEN”MORE.

Hi Ernie. I'm sorry, I can't help you with a water distiller -- I've never used one. I can tell you this, though -- I'm totally sold on Sears' appliances, Kenmore specifically. My two sets of Kenmore washers and dryers have lasted almost twenty years each. And everyone I talk to that has Sears' Kenmore appliances says the same thing. So, it may be very well worth your while (and dollars) to get the Kenmore water distiller, unless that price is totally out of line with other brands. I hope that others on the list can give you better input. MA