I remember being laid up on quite a few occasions in my younger days with
very painful back problems. These problems were finally solved for me about
twenty years ago when I bought a book by a Robin McKenzie titled Treat Your
Own Back   ISBN 0-9597746-6-1
The book details simple exercises that only take a few minutes and then goes
on to tell how to take care of your back to avoid future problems.

Some years later my wife started to complain of a sore neck and  headaches
so I purchased for her Robin's other book titled Treat Your Own Neck ISBN
0-473-00209-4. My wife now spends many hours a day at her computer so
whenever a sore neck puts in an appearance she follows a couple of simple
exercises from the book and all is well.

Not sure what the prices of these books would be now but remember at the
time of purchase they only cost a few dollars.

Cheers,  Roger

on 4/1/2005 8:43 PM, Nathan Filyk at nathan_overs...@yahoo.com wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone knows a good, effective way to get to the root of
back pain. I am constantly straining my aching back, and am wondering if
there's a reason why some people have a tendency for it while others do not.

And for that matter...is there a good cure?
