Jonathan has been trying to send this to the list. I've managed to take 
out enough formatting cruft to make it fit:

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:              Mon, 17 Jan 2005 20:48:49 -0800
Subject:                Re: A/O Dentifrice
From:                   "Jonathan B. Britten" <>

> List,
> You will be interested in this message from    It is a
> first-rate summation of the crime that has been committed against a
> first-rate company by a deeply corrupt bureaucracy.   This message
> provides more detail than previous messages from the company.
>  Read it and weep.

Dear Alpha Omega Customer,


Thank you for your order or information request, however, we are unable 
to sell or ship any of our products at this time. The FDA has taken our 
products, our ingredients, our files and our testimonies. They have 
destroyed all products, everything from the Cansema Salve to the Aloe 
Vera Acemannen. We are unable to ship to ANY location – we do not have 
any products and have no resources for making more at this time. Our 
herbalist (Greg Caton aka James Carr) is currently serving 16 months in 
jail for introduction of a new unapproved drug and mail fraud charges.  

Although we had disclaimers on each page of our web site the FDA 
considered our wording as medical claims. Our disclaimer says: “To U.S. 
Users Only: The statements made on this page have not been evaluated by 
the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. The viewing of this page in your 
country is for historic and educational purposes only. This product is 
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.” We also 
had offices in Nassau, Bahamas, however – we were shipping from our 
Louisiana facility. Because the labels listed our Bahamas address 
rather than our Louisiana facility, Greg Caton was charged with mail 
fraud. We believe this to be an error, which warrants correction and a 
possible fine, but not a reason for Federal Agents to invade our 
business, warehouses and the Caton’s home with guns drawn and full body 
armor as if they were searching for Tony Montana’s cocaine stash. We 
ultimately had to shut down our Bahamas offices due to the Louisiana 


Our Story:


At 9:10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 17th, 2003 the Federal Drug 
Administration (FDA) suspended all activities at our fulfillment center 
in Louisiana. The arrested our herbalist, Greg Caton. They believe that 
our products are not safe for human consumption, and have destroyed 
everything they took from us (an estimated $100,000 to $200,000 in 
stock and ingredients).   

The FDA claims that we were selling battery acid to our customers 
(referring to the H3O). This product has a CAS and a TOSCA number and 
has been EPA approved through its manufacturer. Although the H3O tests 
out analytically as 9.4% sulfuric acid, it is actually a patented 
product from California that has been extensively tested for safety and 
has OSHA’s approval. It is no more corrosive than water and is not 
required to have special labeling when shipped. The testing that is 
required for OSHA proves that it is non-caustic and non-corrosive. In 
fact, the FDA contacted the man who made the H3O to find out the best 
way to dispose of the H3O…they were told with out a missed heartbeat to 
“drink it”. Although the FDA didn’t find it amusing, the man was right, 
it has been tested at Texas A&M Prairie View and is found to be non-
corrosive to man, plant and animal, because the sulfuric acid is made 
to be non-corrosive.   

In the 10+ years we’ve been in business, we’ve had thousands of 
satisfied customers. Not one complaint in 10+ years, and then we 
received 2 complaints. The first complaint was from a woman in Texas 
who claimed her doctor used H3O internally during surgery and it fused 
her organs together. We had expert witnesses testify that this was not 
possible. All expert witnesses agreed that her fused organs was most 
likely from multiple surgeries (an occurrence common with multiple 
surgeries), the woman had several surgeries prior to this surgery. One 
expert witness said (and I quote): “ I feel the post-operative small 
bowel obstruction was the result of pelvic surgery, not the use of the 
H3O solution.” The doctor actually used the H3O after surgery to help 
the healing process and after an investigation the decision was that 
the investigation be CLOSED with no action recommended because the 
evidence did not indicate a violation of the Texas Medical Practice 
Act. Unfortunately our insurance company felt it would be more cost 
effective to settle, instead of proving our innocence in court.  

The second complaint came from a woman in Indiana. She claimed that 
Cansema Salve burned the skin off her nose off.   She then stated that 
it was the H3O that was the cause of the damage. She did in fact order 
H3O, but tried to return it 1 & ½ years after ordering stating that she 
never used it. In her own sworn testimony she claimed that she never 
even opened the H3O bottle. She then claimed that it was Bloodroot 
Paste from Appalachian Herbal Remedies that was the cause of her nose 
falling off. After several sworn and signed affidavits from the Indiana 
woman this is what we know:  

1.     She applied Cansema, she then applied Bloodroot Paste from a
different company altogether.

2.     She didn’t have problems until after the application of the 
Bloodroot Paste and she picked the skin off of her nose.   

3.     She never opened H3O although she claims H3O was the cause of 
the damage to her nose.  

4.     She signed a sworn affidavit that didn’t mention H3O, Cansema, 
Greg Caton or Alpha Omega Labs at all three days after Greg Caton 
(owner of Alpha Omega Labs) plead guilty of introduction of a new 
unapproved drug. She blamed the entire incident on Appalachian Herbal 

5.     She also testified that before she applied any of the herbal 
treatments she was diagnosed with Cancer. She reports that she is now 
Cancer Free.   


The sad fact is although we had hard evidence that Cansema did not 
damage this woman, she did use the product before applying the 
Bloodroot Paste. Once again the insurance company felt more comfortable 
with settling than with going to court. Everything I have said above is 
on the record and documented with the courts.  

My last update is regarding Mr. Toby McAdam aka Risingsun Health aka 
McAdam Enterprises. We have gotten hundreds of complaints starting from 
last year about Mr. McAdam. He claims to have Cansema products and has 
none. He has tried to create a product that mimics the creation of Greg 
Caton but has failed. Upon doing so, he has cheated hundreds of people 
out of their money, hopes and in some cases – their health. I have 
complaints that he charges customers cards and then they never receive 
any products. I also have complaints that he charges customers cards 
and after waiting sometimes several months, they get something that 
isn’t Alpha Omega’s products at all, and in fact, doesn’t even 
work. They believe they are getting Alpha’s products because Mr. McAdam 
has stolen an entire copy of our web site. He uses our testimonies, our 
pictures, Greg Caton’s words, etc. Nothing is his own. I urge anyone 
thinking about ordering from aka Risingsun 
Health to please read the following:  

We continue to pray that the suppression of natural effective herbal
treatments will be unmasked and that people will one day have the right
to choose their own fate. We have been recommending “Herb Veil 8” as an
alternative to Cansema Salve, but have been informed that they are no
longer selling the product due to “hassles that come with selling the
salve.” We have also heard that “Can-X” is effective, you can find this
product at (UPDATE: As of 12/04 the web site is closed…they will not be selling any
products any longer.) You can also find alternative products at:, (formally and The Old Amish Dewormer can be
ordered from 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me 
anytime. We are also accepting testimonies.  If you've used one of our 
products and would like to give us feed back about your experience, 
please write to us at  


Tabetha LeDoux

Alpha Omega Manager

(888) 220-6780

------- End of forwarded message -------

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