First off - I guess I should apologize for not putting O/T in the subject line....but I can't figure out why the subject line that I had typed in my original post did not show up! <sigh> The wonders of cyber-space!

Secondly - and more importantly - WOW! WOW! WOW! I am totally grateful and appreciative of the responses I have gotten so far. I knew that I would not have to resort to 'drastic measures' (ie. removing body parts) but - what an education I am receiving.

I am printing off the posts as I see them and will peruse them at great length....already I have realize that "I am just an egg" and there is sooo much more to learn. (Well - I already knew that - I just didn't know what words to put into questions to be put on the road of knowledge!)

Again, thank you soo much for sharing a most important thing ... the GIFT OF YOU!

 Blessed Be.

 Saskatoon, SK  Canada

----- Original Message ----- From: "Nenah Sylver" <>
> People who are used to being patients in the allopathic medical model are > understandably nervous about switching to holistically trained professionals. > They have been taught to view allopathic medicine as the only correct medicine, > the only right view. Western trained doctors can be great for emergencies and > for surgery, but these services constitute only a small portion of what healing > is all about. I encourage you to see other professionals and learn what your
 > options can be.

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