Hi Dave,
A few years ago, before I had internet, I was told I needed CoQ10 
plus a whole bunch of other supplements. I remember that the CO-
Q10 is freely available from fresh veg and fruit and in particular ripe 
red apples. I've had a search through my books but supplements is 
not really something that I got into. Must have had something from 
the library.

You could search for ubiquinone which is another name for 
coenzyme Q and go from there. I'd be interested in what you find. 


On 19 Jan 2005 at 13:20, Dan Nave wrote:

> Tony,
> You imply some relationship between apples and CoQ10.
> However, it appears that this is almost impossible to look 
> up on the web.
> Can you provide some detail, please?
> Dan
> Re: CS>Co-Q-10
> From: Tony Moody (view other messages by this author) 
> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 09:50:12 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> If you want more coQ10 why not eat a ripe fresh apple or two per day?
> Tony
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