Thanks, Kent.  I've decided NOT to start the neurologist 
could not guarantee that it would help and, well, I've been living with the 
'cold at the core feet' for 8 months now - I'm gonna continue trying to deal 
with it by 'mind over matter'!  The sensations in my feet are primarily that of 
ICE cold in fact, that at times it feels that if I bump them, they 
will shatter - much like the Robert Patrick character in Terminator 2 when he 
gets covered in nitrogen gas!

  I've been working sooo long to get off of all prescribed medications (other 
than the supplements I now have to take as a result of my weight loss surgery) 
AND combined with the fact that I am not amuzed with the side effects that I 
read (about the gabapentin)....I guess I've decided to take charge of my own 
medical treatment!

  That and I am in the process of finding a classic-trained homeopathic 

  Heck, with CS, the support of everyone here and some 'tweaking' that I'll do 
on my own - to paraphrase a movie (who's title I forget)...."Doctors!  I don 
need no stinkin' doctors!"

  Temps have been totally strange lately....last Monday it was -30C and 24 
hours later (Tues morning) it was -2C and freezing rain.  This morning it is 
-6C with a forecast high of +2 and more freezing rain slated for this week!

  Mother Earth definately has her undies in a knot!

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: kent 
    Hi Denise,
    I have been on gabapentin, since I suffered a spinal cord injury six years 
ago.  If your feet feel like they are "burning" similar to the body warming up 
from frostbite, then the gabapentin may help.  It is primarily used for 
neuropathic pain.  I know for myself CS has no effect on my particular 
"neuropathic" situation.  I'm not sure how bad (liver and kidney) gabapentin 
is, perhaps Dr. Kenney or Mr. Harris can be of some assistance here. On a 
different note, Good luck with the cold weather I called my sister in Regina 
and she said it was -25 (I'm originally from there).