Try a drug store.  It is the white stuff that use to be used as a sun
block, and still is sometimes, and is used in many foot fungus
ointments. I believe it is also what it in the white ointment diaper
rash stuff as well. The drugest will likely have it behind the counter.


Sally Khanna wrote:

> Where can we get zinc chloride?  Don't know if I've ever seen
> it. thanks,Sally
> "Jonathan B. Britten" <> wrote:
>      I'm with Ed: the more information we can get, the better. I
>      particular, I have read nothing about bloodroot and CS in
>      combination
>      or as complementary protocols.
>      BTW I first read about bloodroot in Andrew Weil's great
>      book.
>      Spontaneous Healing. This is a must-have. (The subsequent
>      book were
>      a bit disappointing. . . )
>      Here is a recipe I found for a bloodroot salve. This can
>      save lives.
>      Kindly pass on the recipe to anyone interested.
>      JBB
>      This is a recipe for a black paste very similar to the
>      cansema. But
>      this is a preferred paste for melanoma and all suspect skin
>      cancer
>      like lesions. This paste also has worked well for all manner
>      of cancers
>      provided that they have become exposed to or close to the
>      surface of
>      the skin.
>      1/2 cup powdered Blood Root (Sanguinaria Canadensis)
>      1/2 cup Zinc Chlorid! e, crystals or liquid
>      1/2 cup common white flour
>      1 1/2 cup warm water
>      100ml Chaparral extract or 100gm of powdered Chaparral
>      (Larrea mexicana)
>      Pre-mix all but the water, thoroughly, before adding to the
>      water.
>      Using a stainless steel double boiler. Put in water, then
>      stir in the
>      other ingredients. Stir in well using a wooden spoon. Cook
>      for thirty
>      minutes over boiling water, stirring constantly. Application
>      is much
>      the same as cansema. Apply a thin layer (2-3mm) of the paste
>      over the
>      affected area and cover for 24 hours. Then remove the
>      covering but do
>      not disturb the lesion at all, do not attempt to pull the
>      cancer out
>      at any time, it should fall out in 10 days or so. Some
>      people with
>      sensitive skin put vaseline around the cancer so that the
>      paste does
>      not irritate the skin.
>      On Monday, Jan 24, 2005, at 11:00 Asia/Tokyo, Ed Kasper
>      wrote:
>      > Bob, will you elaborate on how you used bloodroot. did
>      you! make a
>      > tincture,
>      > how strong how applied.
>      > Thanks
>      >
>      > Ed
>      >
>      > -----Original Message-----
>      > From: bbanever []
>      > Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 11:51 PM
>      > To:
>      > Subject: Re: CS>tetrasil, etc. NOW BLOODROOT
>      >
>      >
>      > Jonathan - While it is true that bloodroot can be toxic in
>      large
>      > quantities
>      > it can also be a life saver and cure for cancer in small
>      but sustained
>      > dosages when ingested. It works pretty much the same
>      internally as
>      > it does
>      > topically.... it literally seeks out and destroys diseased
>      cells while
>      > leaving healthy ones intact. Some say it lyses the cell
>      wall allowing
>      > the
>      > immune system to identify and destroy that which was
>      living inside of
>      > it...
>      > virus, bacteria, fungus, parasites. Escharotic therapy is
>      quite old
>      > and has
>      > its roots in American ! Indian herbal medicine. I've used
>      it
>      > successfully for
>      > skin cancer and sarcoid tumors. In every case there is a
>      tremendous
>      > macrophage attack of the tumor followed by its dehydration
>      and complete
>      > healing. Amazing really. The size of the tumor on the skin
>      is dwarfed
>      > severalfold by the amount of diseased cells under and
>      around it. I've
>      > used
>      > CS in the healing phase of this therapy and haven't had
>      any problems
>      > with
>      > sepsis or scarring. I'm sure in very large quantities
>      bloodroot can be
>      > toxic and care must be taken when using this miracle
>      substance.
>      >
>      > Bob
>      >
>      >
>      >
>      > --
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