There is a breathing technique taught by Swami Nithyananda from Tiruvanamalai, 
South India which involves humming loudly as long as possible while exhaling.  
It's called the Maha Mantra.
I think the Sudarshan Kriya is more powerful for improving breathing, though.

Yogiboy <> wrote:
You wrote:

Subject: Re: CS>emphysema.breathing

Has anyone had any success with humming while closing the mouth to
promote better breathing?Yoga? TJ
I teach yoga and study it, and to my knowledge I have not heard of any
technique which has one humming and breathing through the nose while
practicing pranayama(life force energy). There are 3 types of breathing
which is yogic related which I know of. Viloma breath involves taking
usually 3 breaths with a pause in between each breath followed by a long
exhalation. Alternate nostril breathing, and Kabalbhati breathing. All
require a degree of control with no added dimension to the technique. I
have not tried humming and breathing together personally. But hey! One
can never tell..try it out. :-)


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