As an amateur, I am agnostic on the never-ending controversy, and try to keep an open mind while continuing my self-education. I note that just about everyone on this list has, in the end, observed that quality home-brew EIS is effective for many complaints, and I have seen a Silvergen product eliminate conjunctivitis in a matter of hours (yes, yes, just another anecdote . . . )

I find the back-and-forth useful, but in the end, not completely convincing. But here is an interesting claim for a final putting-to-rest of the ionic/colloid argument, that some readers may find informative. documentation_detail.php?DocumentID=5

NB Jason Eaton, whom long-timers know quite well, has recommended the products of this company for those who can afford them, while at the same time endorsing EIS as a low-cost solution efficacious for most of us.


On Friday, Mar 25, 2005, at 03:54 Asia/Tokyo, Info wrote:

Marshall wrote:

.....and Steve's work indicates that colloidal
silver, at least the meso silver product, does not kill pathogens, so we
kind of back where we started.

Given Quinto's past history of "scientific" claims for his ionic product such as "Each drop yields more than 100,000,000 million particles of pure silver that possess energia." The word "energia" is a make-believe word that has no definition on his website or in the known universe. This is called
techno-babble; the use of technical sounding words to impress the
non-technical reader.

Furthermore, Quinto continues to promotes his ionic product by the use of TEM images that he claims show proof of the small particles in the product
when in reality they only show particles of silver oxide formed during
sample preparation.

In a court room the jury must always ascertain the credibility of a witness.

How can one attribute any credibility to Quinto's bacteriology studies when confronted with his past and still current use of bogus science to promote his product. A prudent observer may find it difficult to believe anything he

On the other hand, one of the largest and most respected testing
laboratories in the country (EMSL) has performed pathogen challenge tests on Mesosilver designed to the most rigorous scientific standards. For those who don't know what "rigorous scientific standards" for pathogen testing means; the tests must be performed in triplicate, with plating in duplicate and results shown as "means" and "standard deviations". This is required for
"publication quality", meaning no scientific publication would consider
publishing your paper if the tests were no up to this standard. It is also
the standard required by the FDA for pharmaceutical testing.

The Mesosilver test results prove beyond the slightest doubt that Mesosilver
killed every pathogen it was tested on.  Here are the tests:

We have not seen published test results from any manufacturer of ionic
silver products that comes close to meeting the rigorous scientific
standards that were used by EMSL for the Mesosilver tests. Virtually all the test results we have seen to-date were performed as disinfectant type tests where the product is used full strength. Properly designed in vitro pathogen challenge tests attempt to simulate the as close as possible, or at least bracket, the concentration levels that can be achieved in the bloodstream.

To achieve in vivo the concentrations used in Quinto's testing would require
that all your blood must be drained and replaced with ionic silver, a
requirement that some may consider to be unreasonable.

Frank Key
Colloidal Science Lab.

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