The link you provide on that page of the research done by Natural Immunogenics
is interesting.  At first I though, ah ha, we got some good data now. But
unfortunately they have a very big problem with the protocol that completely
invalidates their conculsion.  The medium they used had 2% agar in it, which
means they were working with a gel. As I have reported here before from
experiments I had UT run, colloidal silver is almost totally ineffective when
in a gel or other solid or semisolid medium where it has no modility. Ionic
silver will still have some mobility though, so it is not surprising that it
will kill, and the colloidal portion will not.

I would like to see this experiment run again in a broth, that better
represents the blood plasma, instead of a gel which is more representative of
ones stool where we do not normally want it to kill.

On that page you state:

Please see the test results  here.  This should resolve the issue.  It seems
clear the ionic portion is more effective at killing pathogens.

Unfotunately it shows that colloidal silver is ineffective an a gel, not that
one is better at killing pathogens in a broth simulating the blood than the
other. This is not news at all, I first reported this over 5 years ago.  What I
really find disturbing is that this test was run end of last year according to
their date, 5 years after anyone who had researched it already knew that
colloid was ineffective in agar, so they already knew what the result would be
before doing the experiment.  If they really want to give good information they
should rerun the tests in a broth.


Trem wrote:

> I get many calls from prospective customers mentioning that they have been
> to Frank's site and wonder what the facts are.  So, yesterday I placed this
> page
> on our site to answer their questions by referring them to some information
> not tainted by my opinion.
> Trem
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Terry Chamberlin" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 9:28 AM
> Subject: CS>CS debate
> > All this discussion of what happens when
> > ionic/colloidal silver enters the body, what is
> > happening in the stomach and then in the blood, how
> > such-and-such cannot be happening or in fact must be
> > happening reminds me of the solid, logical scientific
> > proof that the bumblebee CANNOT fly.
> >
> > To read Frank's "scientific", "logical" "proof" that
> > ionic silver is not worth taking is laughable, even
> > pathetic, in the face of its obvious benefit against
> > everything from colds to MS.
> >
> > Even Frank's responses here on this list have been
> > disappointing. On his site he warns that ionic silver
> > can cause argyria (a claim I have seen absolutely NO
> > substantiation for whatsoever - cite to me ONE case,
> > Frank), then abmits that it would take an amount none
> > of the standard CS-brewers are even capable of
> > brewing.
> >
> > Why does he then mention it? I am forced to conclude
> > that he makes that point for the fear affect it has on
> > those readers who don't notice his inconsistency, to
> > scare them into buying his product.
> >
> > He might as well, as we regularly see the medical
> > establishment do, report the possibility of Vitamin A
> > overdose to scare you into buying his "special" kind
> > of Vit A (without mentioning how most Vit A overdoses
> > are from synthetic Vit A). In fact, his scare tactics
> > to persuade you to buy his product and avoid all
> > others sound remarkably similar to the tactics used by
> > the medical establishment. (Eerie music, sculking men
> > in black overcoats, "Is Frank an undercover agent for
> > the Medical Mafia?")
> >
> > Nope, I sincerely doubt it. But using the same
> > logically-dishonest, misdirecting, inuendo-laden
> > approach as those who ARE agents for the bad guys does
> > not create confidence in him or his product.
> >
> > If 10% of what Frank declares about the safety of
> > ionic silver was true, there would be 500 cases per
> > year of argyria, and the FDA would have made the
> > brewing and/or drinking of anything with silver in it
> > a felony.
> >
> > The worst part is that Frank's pseudo-scientific,
> > unprovable, unsubstantiated claims make good
> > propaganda for silver opponents to use, howeverever
> > unrealistic they actually are.
> >
> > Frank, clue in to the disservice you are doing to the
> > silver community. Selling your product is not the
> > highest priority in life. Community and caring about
> > others is.
> >
> --
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