I would like some ph strips but I would like to pay for them also information 
on how to use them.

-------------- Original message from "Ed Kasper" <edkas...@pacbell.net>: 

Personally when I used a Coral calcium in high doses I did not get gout. Then I 
switched to the huge bottle of Calcium (about 1/4 the price) which was from 
shellfish and I got severe gout. So I believe Coral Calcium which I can take 
does not flare up. I repeated this experiment (like a sadist) and regular 
calcium will cause a flare up for me.  I don't feel the need to take any 
supplements at this time. 

I offer free ph test strips so people can test themselves.  I'll out today but 
should have some in within the week. You and others are welcome to email me for 
the free samples email  e...@happyherbalist.com with  "free samples pH strips"  
in the subject line.  No cost or obligation but we do send out product 
literature as well as tell you how to do the test (simple) . 

lemon water, apple cider vinegar (Bragg's organic) and Kombucha all work along 
the same lines. KT has more live stuff in it and IMO does much more. KT is a 
lot more work, although quite enjoyable. Really depends upon where you are in 
the big picture.  I do not recommend taking any of the above at the same time 
as CS. I'd suggest  they be taken hours apart. 
Ed Kasper LAc. Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist
Acupuncture is a jab well done
www.HappyHerbalist.com   Santa Cruz, CA. 
-----Original Message-----
From: mborg...@att.net [mailto:mborg...@att.net]
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 7:54 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Body pH

Question, my husband has gout do you think drinking this tea would help he does 
drink lemon water to balance the ph but we have not checked his ph levels 
simply because I have not gotten the ph test strips?