For around a hundred bucks you get a generator that easily makes gallon batches without any reason to stir as it changes polarity every 55 seconds and shuts off when done. I don't know where Sol gets such convoluted information but it would be better if correct. The colloid master is current controlled and doesn't cost an arm and a leg to buy, unlike the SG-6. My suggestion is go there and decide for your self, not just blindly buy what is sold by list members.

sol wrote:
There are several people here who have the Colloid Master and like it. However, if you really look at what you are getting, you get a lot more for your money with the Silvergen SG-6 or the Silverpuppy, where you get real auto shut off, and current controls, and stirring. I have visited the CM site several times over the past couple years, and it looks like an ok generator, just very overpriced for what you get.
my 2 cents,

Yvonne wrote:

I have a question for Mary Ann who owns the Colloid Master made by Synergenesis. How long have you used the Colloid Master and have you had any problems at all with it? Also, what ppm colloidal silver do you usually make?

I am planning to purchase a generator soon and I visited the website. It looks good to me. Also, has anyone else on the list used the Colloid Master and what is your experience?

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