New here, and wanted to introduce myself and hopefully get on my way to

I am 30, and have been suffering from Candida, Leaky Gut, adrenal
exhaustion, and Fibromyagia / CFIDS for about 7 years now. It has driven me
into absolute insanity, and it seems that the more I know about it, the
worse I get (the negative aspect of the power of the mind I suppose).

I am very curious to know more about colloidal silver, and if it can help
with the conditions that I have. From what I know it helps with infections
and fights bacteria, but I know it does more than that, and a lot of people
have suggested it for me, so would love to know more, and if it has helped
others with similar health problems.

My symptoms are: muscle pain (especially after activity), food sensitivities
(wheat causes muscle pain, dairy/sugar/alcohol cause eczema and anxiety),
depression and anxiety (both very overwhelming), eczema (neck and forearms),
dark circles under eyes, complete loss of libido, allergies (sinus
congestion/itchy eyes), asthma (mainly from house dust, but also from food
sometimes), and difficulty sleeping (difficulty getting to sleep as well as
getting back to sleep once woken).

What I am currently doing:

#1. Avoiding all sugar, alcohol, dairy, wheat, processed foods, commercial
meats, vinegar, mushrooms, simple carbs, coffee, etc. Essentially all I eat
is vegetables, meats, occasional brown rice.

#2. Taking vitamin C, magnesium, digestive enzymes, fish oil, and rotating
different Candida killers such as garlic, oil of oregano, Nystatin,
grapefruit seed extract.

#3. I have done about 4 of the liver cleanses, and even though I got major
amounts of stones out, my symptoms only back off a little bit, and only for
a short while. They always come back.

Any help anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated!!  I have
suffered WAY too long, and need to restore my health more than anything!!!

Thank you! :-)

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