Your symptoms do sound a lot like lyme to me. They are a lot of the same
symptoms I had. You can get more information about all areas of lyme on

Your doctor may not want to do blood work for lyme. Most don't or won't. If
he won't do the test, you could get on the lymenet site and ask for help to
locate a doctor in your area (lyme literate doctors are few and far
between). A lyme-literate doctor will usually treat based on clinical
symptoms of the disease and if your history of problems indicates lyme. The
lab your doctor uses for testing is critical. Igenex is the most-preferred
lab for lyme testing but non-lyme literate doctors don't use it. Igenex
tests more bands and are more accurate, so the false negative results are
less. The test results are only about 70% accurate at best anyway, I think.

Some people use Bowen lab. They use a different method of testing, but are
not FDA approved, so insurance most likely won't cover the cost. They have
recenly received a patent for their test though. Bowen also tests for
co-infections that occur with lyme.

Best of luck tomorrow at your appointment!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "..::( Jason )::.." <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Candida, FMS/CFIDS, Leaky Gut

> On 4/26/05 10:47 AM, "Gail Evans" <> wrote:
> > Have you looked into the possibility of having Lyme?
> Not officially. Others have suggested it too. I guess I should check it
> I don't have a lot of the Lyme symptoms, so kind of ruled it out, but it
> would be a a good idea to get it checked. I am going to the Dr tomorrow
> will ask him to run the blood work (assuming that is all I need?)
> Thanks for the info!
> _jason_
> _________ ________ _______ _____ ____ ___ __ _  _   _

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