I have just purchased a book called "My House is Killing Me".  too true.


From: Essentially Sasha [mailto:sa...@9solutions.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 9:44 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Candida, FMS/CFIDS, Leaky Gut

Thank you very much for this concise and reasonable explanation of
Now that makes sense.  I would also add to check your surrounding
environmental material as in home building and structural materials. That
reminds me of  Baubiology.  I know --  you are asking - now what the heck? .
. . . .  So for those of you who don't know, but yet, want to know, go to
the following links I have provided.  There is a whole new world for you to
involve yourselves in if you have the time and the interest.  Baubiology has
been around for years and the study and practice originated in Germany.  For
those of you looking for a career past retirement, and/or just a fabulous
career for self-employment and are home health and safety environmentalists,
I think you are going to like this.  Not many people in the US know about
Baubiology.  When you mention it their head cocks to one side and they say,
hhuuuuhhh?  America is sometimes lax (and I might add arrogant) in keeping
up with the rest of the world when it comes to protecting our health, home,
and safety.  Of course, I say this politely and only out of the great desire
to share the good.
Blessings and Great Health to all,
html> &b=/register/03051.html
Subject: RE: CS>Candida, FMS/CFIDS, Leaky Gut
And then I would find out what is causing the adrenal and thyroid problems.
A lot of "diseases" today are no more than diagnosing a set of symptoms and
then prescribing meds for them.
Fibromyalgia is a breakdown in the lining surrounding nerve tissue.  The
diagnosis is simply realizing that the lining surrounding the nerves is
breaking down leaving holes causing extreme pain.  Medications are
prescribed to control the pain.  Yet studies have shown
(http://www.johnleemd.com) that fibromyalgia is due to xenoestrogens in our
environment.  Soy, plastics, bleach, Vaseline, mineral oil (check the labels
of your lotions, shampoos etc)and any petroleum based product give off
environmental estrogen.  The result is a hormonal imbalance that can cause a
host of problems including thyroid problems.
Hi Jason -
> Have you had your thyroid checked?  
>From what I have been reading, it really looks like I have adrenal or
thyroid problems.
 Thanks for pointing this out! :-) I will let you know what I find out...

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