Thank you for the reminder.  First, exploding toads in Germany, and now, the
hope of exploding rats in Pecos.  I will give it a try.  

Aspertame for ant poison, Coke for rats.  Right on!


-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Chamberlin [] 
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 11:39 AM
Subject: CS>Rats!

Jim Holmes said,
"They will chew away the insulation of 100 foot power
cables through to the wiring in several spots. Why?
They like the plastic taste? Or are they just
sharpening their little teeth."

Actually, if a rat doesn't chew on things, his teeth
will grow right through the top or bottom of his head.
He MUST chew!

To get rid of wild rats, I read in Mother Earth
magazine some years ago that putting out bowls of Coca
Cola for them to drink would do it. Rats have no
burping mechanism (the article said), so when they
drink it, it kind of blows them up inside. If you make
it diet soda, it will kill them even if they don't
internally burp to death (unless they have the sense
to avoid it). 

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