The rats fall into the antifreeze, love to drink it, and are poisoned. 
Antifreeze will kill most animals. Dogs love it. Dead.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: S Khanna 
  Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 7:30 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Rats!

  It sounds horrible, but no worse than rat poison, which causes them to die a 
slow death also.

  My brother has a summer cottage, which gets infested with mice in the winter. 
 He came up with this:

  A gallon bucket.  Poke a hole in the bottom of a soda can and run a string 
through both ends.  Suspend the can across the top of the bucket and attach 
with the string.

  Spread peanut butter around soda can

  Put anti-freeze 1/3 way up in bucket.  I think this was mainly because of it 
being winter, don't know if it's necessary in warmer weather.

  First try, he caught 13.

  I always used traps.  They love chocolate.  They don't suffer, but it's much 
harder to deal with! :o(


  Ode Coyote <> wrote:

    Old time rat poison that won't kill anything else.
    1 part portland cement
    9 parts flour
    Mix dry and leave in bowl near water.
    ..I just had to ask what those porcelain curlicues were in the crawlspace
    under that 90 year old house.

    Rats can probably burp..or fart, but they can't regurgitate [throw up /
    toss cookies]

    I have no problem with pet rats or any animal that's properly trained and
    cared about.


    At 01:38 PM 5/13/2005 -0400, you wrote:
    >Jim Holmes said,
    >"They will chew away the insulation of 100 foot power
    >cables through to the wiring in several spots. Why?
    >They like the plastic taste? Or are they just
    >sharpening their little teeth."
    >Actually, if a rat doesn't chew on things, his teeth
    >will grow right through the top or bottom of his head.>He MUST chew!
    >To get rid of wild rats, I read in Mother Earth
    >magazine some years ago that putting out bowls of Coca
    >Cola for them to drink would do it. Rats have no
    >burping mechanism (the article said), so when they
    >drink it, it kind of blows them up inside. If you make
    >it diet soda, it will kill them even if they don't
    >internally burp to death (unless they have the sense
    >to avoid it). 
    . Take the tour