Thanks for all the advice. Yes usually a cat should go no longer then
3-5 days without food I have read. We had already had him to the vet
when I posted. ;-) I forgot to mention that although this vet is a
homeopath, he's also a conventional vet. Right away he said he suspected
it was liver problems. We passed on the $100 blood panel and subsequent
tests based on treatment options. With the ears and eyes being yellow he
said yes liver problems, did a test to rule out diabetes, then gave me
an idea what could be done conventionally for him or homeopathically and
that frankly conventional could get quite costly, was I prepared for

Well since I've had one cat go through this 10 yrs ago, I know that it
can be outrageous- back then I had the $1000 to spare... not so anymore.
Although even after the $1000 that was just to make him comfortable, put
him on geriatric kibble, send him home and he died in my arms a few
months later. As it was the homeopathic visit was $220... I just don't
have the money to have him stay at the vet for a week or more to be
force fed, IV, etc. if needed. As well this vet indidcated that force
feeding only takes about 50% for the animal to resume on its own at the
end of that, and that sometimes force feeding can go on for weeks.

He gave him a constitutional homeopathic remedy and put fluid under his
skin. I bought some herbs and things from the health food store and some
health food brand wet cat food- as the vet said, anything in his stomach
at this point is crucial. He did eat some of it!!!!!!  A small amount
mind you but we'll see. My dad suggested bits of liver if I can jam it

I found some great info online about people who have reversed liver
disease when the cats couldn't even move and the vet said no more, so
maybe we have a chance. He's still walking around, in relatively good
spirits and enjoying affection etc.

Interestingly one of the first things the vet asked is what has gone on
at your house over the last 3 ish months? He figures the stress has just
been too much for him. We had another cat come stay with us on a trial
basis back in March- After a few weeks, I decided it wasn't working out
for our cat, nor my 4 yr old son the other cat went home. Although it
was only a short period of time my cat was getting picked on and also
takes a razzing from one of our dogs daily. Then myself and the baby and
4 yr old came down with whooping cough in march as well and it was a
VERY stressful and scary couple of months for all of us. 

So we'll do what we can and I'll touch back with the homeopath on
Saturday before he leaves for vacation.

Thanks again everyone, I really appreciate your input.


-----Original Message-----
From: sol [] 
Sent: August 3, 2005 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: CS>for cat with liver problems?"

I have read that cats can purr from pain--purring is not solely a 
pleasure response. This cat needs to see a vet immediately. Any liquid 
you can get into the cat in the meantime would probably be a good idea. 
Dehydration is very serious, and as Jean said, so is the yellow eyes. 
Please do not wait.
sol wrote:

> Hi Wendy,
> I understand it is critical if a cat doesn't eat for a period of time.

> Secondly, yellow eyes sounds like problems with the liver/jaundice. 
> Thirdly, dehydration is a killer. Purring doesn't necessarily mean the

> cat is doing well. I would see a vet post haste!
> Jean
> *************
>     We took our cat to a homeopathic vet and he has chosen a remedy
>     for him. However he's going on holidays in 4 days and since our
>     cat has not eaten in at least a week he figures if the remedy
>     doesn't work we should look at having him put down.
>     Beisdes losing weight rapidly, not eating, and being dehydrated,
>     his eyes are a bit yellow as are his ears, otherwise, he's still
>     purring and hanging out.

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