From: <>

In a message dated 8/19/2005 9:35:41 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
I experimented with
essential oil of cinnamon on them. It made them disappear.
So Sharon -- did you just dab the oil on the skin tag?     MA

Sharon, how often did you apply, and how long did it take for the skin tags to go?

Um, well, I'm just too darned casual to have ever been a scientist.

I did "just dab" the straight oil on any little tags that I noticed-----when I remembered. I'd say that just a few night's worth of application got rid of the smallest ones.

Something else just popped into mind, though. A few years ago a rather large tag just showed up on my chest in an area that has gotten sunburned many times over the years. This was before I was 'into' essential oils. I had a tube of ointment from the drugstore in the cabinet and I'll try to spell it----Icthamommel? Close, anyway. It's a very old product that's been around for most of the 20th century and it's black in color. I put one of my 'dabs' of that on the tag and covered it with a bandaid. The skin tag shriveled up and dropped off in a few days.

I guess these tags respond to a lot of different things!


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