That is a combination of collidal silver and ionic silver. It is made by the
members here by putting 2 silver wires or electrodes into distilled water and
applying between 9 and 30 volts to it.


"James McCourt, Ph.D." wrote:

> Pardon if I missed it, but what is EIS?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "sol" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 8:25 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>iodine and DMSO
> > The very small skin tags (warts really, probably) I was getting around
> > the base of my neck are all but gone from nothing but EIS and EIS/Aloe
> > vera juice. I might once in a great while have put some EIS with DMSO on
> > then, but I forget. And basically haven't been applying the EIS often,
> > certainly not daily or twice daily. Just from the mist over from
> > spraying my face and eyes, and sometimes rubbing a little on my neck. It
> > has taken quite some time for them to reduce in size so much, but it
> > does seem like they would have gone away faster had I been working at it
> > with daily diligence. As it is, I simply noticed recently that they are
> > all but gone.
> >
> > I don't get what the iodine does for cysts or skin tags, myself, that
> > EIS or EIS/DMSO wouldn't do. Good thing, as I can't use iodine
> > whatsoever in any form.
> > sol
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > The instructions are to do it once a day so we do it at night. As the
> > > instructions did not have a lot of detail we are just figuring it out
> > > as we go along. I am using a dmso gel that is 70 percent but I may go
> > > to a full strength liquid tonight. everything dries pretty quickly so
> > > no need for a bandaide. I do not know if it will work with skin tags.
> > > I do think there may be a viral cause to them so it may work. Some
> > > moles are genetic and not viral so it likely would not work on that.
> > > It is Lugols iodine. go here to purchase and find further info. .
> > > Don't get too excited. The treatment is not complete yet. only thing I
> > > see so far is a change in texture of the cyst and its slightly smaller.
> > >
> > > Dr Hulda Clarke Products Search
> > >
> <
> gols+iodine&>
> > > Lugol's Iodine or lugols iodine
> > > <>
> > > The usefulness of Iodine <>
> --
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