----- Original Message ----- From: bbanever
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: CS>veterinary questions

Dr. Kenney,

My dog (17lb Bichon) has been diagnosed with auto hemolytic anemia... he has undergone a transfusion and is taking doxycycline and prednisone. His PCV has gone from 11 up to 38 as of today (5 days into the disease) and he seems to be responding well. He is now eating and drinking with increasing energy levels. I'm curious to know what your thoughts are on treating this with alternative methods. I don't know the cause... he doesn't have cancer or anything anyone can point to as the cause... is this possibly a virus or a chemical exposure of some sort? Some have said a tick bite can do it ... titer for that proved negative. His only symptoms were lethargy and inability to walk from behind (although is fine now). Any thoughts on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I'm afraid to stimulate his immune system with something like transfer factor... I'm giving him CS and chlorella along with his regular food.

Bob Banever
---------- Bob, I'm not David, but I do have something to say. You say you're "afraid to stimulate his immune system with something like transfer factor." If you give your dog The Transfer Factor Regular, you won't be stimulating it; you'll be *supporting* and *modulating* or *regulating* it.

There is a world of difference between the two. "Stimulating" means that you are giving it a major kick. This would NOT be a good idea for ailments like lupus, allergies, some forms of multiple sclerosis, etc., because these are already auto-immune diseases characterized by the immune system accelerating off the charts. But the Transfer Factor Regular can "tell" the immune system what to do. If the immunity is too low, it will be raised. On the other hand, if it's too high, it will be lowered.

On my website, under "Products," I list the difference between the two major formulas. If it were my dog, I wouldn't hesitate to give him Transfer Factor. Immune system support, to help the animal deal with whatever is ailing him, can only help. My own dogs know this. And so do I ;-)

Best wishes with you pooch.

Nenah Sylver, PhD
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