the acidity that comes with cancer is inside the cells of the body and has nothnig to do with acids you consume. there is a doctor way back tha was curring people of jsut about everythnig including cancer using hydrochloric acid. so jsut because it is acid going in mouth does not mean it contributes to an acid condition in the body.
Same goes for cholestrol. ones cholesterlol level in the body is not affected by eatnig foods high in cholesterol. the liver creates 1 or 2 pounds of cholesterol each day and it is used throughout the body as building material. the acid of lemons has an alkaline reaction becaues it provides a good source of potassium which is alkaline. tranporting alkaline minerals with an acid is the best way to get alkaline minerals in Take your alkaline minerals and chase them down with some acid for better utilization. HCL therapy is where you take various alkaline minerals and consume them with HCL. I use Betaine HCL to chase the minerals. the acid condition that causes cancer is caused by lack of oxygen in the cells which caues them to revert to fermantation as an energy source since you didnt give them enough oxygen to oxidize the glucose the celss need energy to live so they switch to fermentation of glucose wich creates a lot of lactic acid which furtnher reduces the oxygen uptake. they are then called cancer cells. get the oxygen back in the cells and revert their energy production back to exidizing glucose with oxygen and the cells again become normal healthy cells. Cancer is such a big scarey thing to every one due to medical hype but that is all it is it can be reversed without killing the cells, and all the cancer cells are back no normal cells. And all the doctors tha are try to kill the cells are a bunch of friggin ignorant idiots and savages. The best way to cure cancer is to stay away form doctors and do it yourself. the lemons wolud do it. And so will hydrochloric acid. Take care, V > My Friends, > I read Ole Bob's message about cancer, acidity and lemons. > I have an uncertainty here: > How was it that in the cancer treatments by the late Dutch dokter Moerman in > the late 60's cured even fifth state cancer, by having his patients drink > "(train)wagonloadfuls of lemons"? > Please don't see this as critical ridicule. > Moerman was revolutionary in his time, and he helpen many patients of cancer > .. and thus was broken by established medicine, who dubbed his approach as > 'unscientific'. > I was an agry young man in that time, now can see things in a better, more > acceptable perspective. > Yet thing mixes me up a bit now and then. > Faith > _________________________________________________________________ > Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! > > -- > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: > To post, address your message to: > Silver List archive: > Address Off-Topic messages to: > OT Archive: > List maintainer: Mike Devour <> --