I dont know how accurate this is, but somewhere I read
that only a certain type of cancer responds to chemo
and doctors know which types will and which types
wont. However, they subject all patients to chemo and
or radiation knowing full well that in certain cases
it will be hopless.They do this on the premise that it
may just work and it gives the patient hope and
perhaps a few more months. IN the meantime, they spend
their last few months suffering the effects of chemo.
Have you ever noticed that some people seem well upon
diagnosis but get very ill and never seem to recover
after the treatment? I am not saying that people
shouldnt get treated and I do know of people that have
survived cancer after being treated the traditional
way but it seems that with the exception of   some of
the newer drugs that target more cancer cells and less
healthy cells, I havent seen much in the improvement
of cancer treatment despite all the money and research
that is supposedly going on.I think it is imperative
that doctors be versed in nutrition to support cancer
patients but in many cases, they actually  advise
people not to take vitamins during cancer therapy. I
would be interested in your paper Terry if you wouldnt
mind emailing it to me.

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