Thanks, Tad.  I just made an appointment to have a silver crown put on my tooth.  Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: Tad Winiecki <>
Subject: Re: CS>teeth, re silver crown
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 18:17:37 -0800
><<<< From Ruth Strackbein: I just had my bi-annual dental checkup. Dentist
>tells me I have a cracked filling on a tooth that holds my partial plate.
>He recommends fixing it with a silver crown. Does anyone have any pros or
>cons about this procedure, especially the use of silver? This would remove
>the amalgam filling that is presently in there. Another tooth is a dead
>tooth that this dentist says from X-rays that it is okay. There is a
>pocket next to it which continues to be tender. I am tempted to have the
>rest of my teeth removed and go to "store" ones.>>>>>
>Removal of all teeth is a very poor solution, what they don't tell you
>about dentures is that the jaw doesn't receive enough stimulation and the
>bone starts receding and thinning. My father suffered a lot with dentures.
>I'm wondering about dental implants. Are they a good solution for
>replacing missing teeth or do they create a place for bacteria to multiply
>like a root canal?
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