As you're already figuring out from other replies, Kel, there's a lot 
of ways to build a CS generator!

Current limiting can be as simple as a series resistor sized so that, 
once the current increase vs. time curve starts to level off it's 
drawing no more than about a milliamp per square inch of wetted area. 
That should be about the time you start seeing a Tyndal effect from the 
laser pointer... right, Bob?

If your process varies by a factor of two here or there, it's not 
crucial. You'll find that there's a lot of room for variation without 
losing effectiveness.

Keep up the good work. Ask questions (there's other newbies reading 
along eagerly!). Let us know how it goes.

Be well,

Mike D.

> I just got my 99.99% silver wire, now I want to get cookin.  So, for
> clarification: -the voltage doesn't matter, higher voltage just means a
> quicker cooking time. -current regulation isn't an issue, it sounds like
> you guys are just hooking up wires from a voltage source. -distilled
> water is the best if it is accessible. -the batch is done when a laser
> can be seen from the side of the container.
> If anyone can think of anything else let me know.  I have an Associate
> degree in Electronics so building circuits isn't a problem for me.  This
> list is a great resource.
> Thanks,
> Kel
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[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]