<<<<<<<<<<<<Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 19:49:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Pat <pattycake29...@yahoo.com>
I know the cause of my higher than it should be  cholesterol and
triglycerides......eating too much of the wrong kind of  food. I'd rather
eat sweets than anything in the world.  I try to  be on a good high
protein, moderate carbohydrate diet but I get too  sick of it and can't
stay on it even though I feel better with no  hypoglycemia.  I am always
fairly good at breakfast ...eat organic  soybeans roasted or boiled with
one mug of coffee to take my bran and  all the vitamins and Rxs.  I'm 25
pounds overweight too and can  only do water aerobics for exercise because
of a knee which has no  cartilage on the inside part and sciatica.  I'm
only 56 and need  to whip this body into shape somehow.  Until last spring
I'd never  heard of colloidal silver and am hearing about lots of things
here that  I never knew about.  I've been taking quite a few vitamins and
minerals and bran since my 20s and thought I knew a lot about  nutrition. 
If only I had the will power to do everything I know I  should. Pat
Pat- First off you should do some reading on soybeans- google them and
thyroid.  They are toxic to the thyroid gland and therefore will lower your
metabolism and make it hard for you to lose weight.

Then there is bran.  You may not be allergic to it but many are allergic to
wheat.  I learned a few years ago that I am allergic to wheat, particularly
the bran and perhaps germ.  I get terrible IBS from whole wheat, it's like
peristalsis stops in my intestines when I eat it.  I can eat a little white
flour without effect.  As an aside, pertaining to breakfast, one of my
college professors lived her whole life on the college campus eating
cafeteria food except that she ate five kinds of fruit for breakfast every
day.  She lived to over 100.


There is a nutritional supplement, CMO, that has a reputation for helping
painful joints (excerpts from former posts, links may no longer work)-

Cetyl Myristoleate, also known as CM or CMO, was discovered by Harry W. Diehl,
working alone in his home lab. Diehl took a fatty acid, myristoleic acid, and
combined it with a fatty alcohol molecule, cetyl alcohol, creating an ester of
that fatty acid called cetyl myristoleate. He discovered that it was the
presence of this compound in swiss albino mice that prevented them from
developing joint problems.1 Diehl's laboratory experiments on CM were published
in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences in March, 1994.

A 17-day course (some people may require a longer course) could provide relief
for years.

Everlasting is Collastin(TM)-based; that is, a blend of organic and
synthetic cetyl-myristoleate, and Everlasting Support is glucosamine
HCL and proprietary herbal blend. Get an electronic copy of "At Last
Collastin" here:
http://members.shaw.ca/duncancrow/at_last_collastin.pdf and here's
the product:

<<<<<<<<<< http://www.askwaltstollmd.com/archives/arthritis/67397.html
Arthritis Archives

Highly effective protocol for treating arthritis
Posted by R. on May 02, 2001 at 04:20:41:

I got the following from an email list whose archive can be found at
escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html. This data came from a list's
subscriber who works at a research organization where natural approaches to
treating diseases are tested. Basically the protocol consists of CMO, MSM,
Glucosamine/Chrondroitin, digestive enzymes, hydrolized collagen, and SAMe.
Not all of the items are needed for everybody. Some were added to the
protocol to help those test subjects that didn't get desired improvement
from their basic protocol. Some of the subjects were in terrible state.
They have found evidence of cartilage regeneration. A "side effect" of the
protocol was a virtual elimination of digestive difficulties in all of the
By the way, according to preliminary results of their other study, CMO
helps with Lupus.>>>>>>>>>
I personally tried CMO from www.beyond-a-century.com and felt it was
beneficial but had some digestive problems with it.  I just turned 60 and
dance a lot.  Dance injuries I've had lately were resolved with a ceramic
far infrared heat lamp bulb I got on the internet, intended for heating
reptiles.  It only requires a metal heat lamp with ceramic fixture I got at
a feed store for keeping chicks warm.  The far infrared also cured a very
bad neck problem I was having with flashes of pain and numbness, after one
2-3 hour intensive heat soak.


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