Gee, I'm terribly upset over the news about soy  beans.  I knew I'd never give 
a baby formula if I could help it  but I thought they were great for adults.  
So now I don't know  what to have for breakfast....peanuts are too fatty, don't 
want meat,  cheese makes me feel yucky in the early a.m., don't like eggs 
enough to  have more than one in a couple weeks, ....maybe I'll have more 
cottage  cheese.  I can't have anything that's not high protein or I'll  have a 
low blood sugar attack in the middle of water aerobics and it  can't be high 
fat or I'll be burping  hehehe.  
  BTW, I love Zantac (I hear ppl groaning) for stomach pain.  It's  great if 
you have heartburn or even a long lasting stomach pain  problem.  I hate the 
new drugs.  

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