Dear Pat, 
Just be awfully glad you can`t see the mites and other wee beasties that live 
on your skin, and in the beds and carpets!! 
If we didn`t have them, we would be drowning in dried skin flakes, now THAT is 
a yukky thought... :o)

   To me, nothing is grosser than the thought of having parasites!  A roundworm 
1/2 out of my puppy sent me to the couch standing and screaming while my 
husband took care of it.  I did manage to pick up a squirming tapeworm segment 
my puppy left on the dining room floor, and took her to the vet for a worming 
the next day.  Sooo, I'm thinking of trying a parasite cleanse I saw online.     Does that work?  Am I 
right in thinking that colloidal silver will kill parasite eggs but not adults? 
 How much would I have to take to do that?  If I see nasty creatures that came 
out of me, I'll be writing from the mental institution next time!
