I don't fall for the so called need yearly mamogram etiher...I won't let them 
xray me unless it is totally needed....deb

Susan <geoqu...@yahoo.com> wrote:    Same here in NC. I think that they are 
taught in school to defend the practice because if they don't then they will 
get their butts sued to the max....It is on my list!
  I recently had a full mouth xray at a low income clinic staffed by students 
and told them not to get near me with an hg. she said "Why not?" I say, 
"because it is poison" and no comment. Then while looking at the xrays she says 
"you may not like mercury but porcelain does not show up well on xrays"  go 
figure!  We are living in the dinosaur ages (or worse) where voluntary 
ignorance pays the bills.
  Love, light and health to all of us,

Carol Ann <saffiresk...@yahoo.com> wrote:
To this day, many Dentists will still say that the Mercury situation was over 
dramatized and overblow! n.  I met two 4th yr  dental students from one of the 
State Universities who poopahed any mention I made of Mercury being determental 
to health.   

"M. G. Devour" <mdev...@eskimo.com> wrote:   Deborah writes:
> I wish you would look into how bad those fillings are you might change
> your mind I am in my fifties and I didn't starte having any chronic
> illnesses until I was in my fourties but it hit the fan big
> time...have you heard of the alkaline testing tape?.. 

Pat wrote: 
> Actually, I'd probably rather die than have to go through having
> several fillings redone. I recently read that root canals are
> dangerous too as far as infection and bone loss benea! th them.

I second what Deborah says. I'm only in my late forties and going down 
hill rapidly. Everything I try is handicapped by a suppressed 
metabolism and immune system. I have a mouth full of fillings. No 
extractions or root canals, thankfully. 

I'm planning a trip to the Huggins clinic to have them all replaced 
somewhere they actually know how to do it without exposing you to much 
mercury. It's a complicated and highly refined process, from the sound 
of everything I've read so far.

You're damned right I'm gonna get'em all re-done. I'm tired of hauling 
a boulder uphill just to stay even. I only wish I knew to spit in the 
eye of the first dentist who wanted to fill one of my teeth... and new 
about CS at the time so I'd never need to.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com ]
[Speaking only for myself... ]

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  Carol Ann

The Pessimist complains about the Wind; 
The Optimist expects it to change; 
The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors. 

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