  Thanks for sharing that, it was an interesting story!

Frances Brown <> wrote:
  Although I have been making/using colloidal silver for over 8 years I have 
just subscribed to this list.
  I live in Suffolk, UK.  I have been making CS using a hand-held battery 
generator because our power is 240 volt vs. the US 110 volt.  I could only ever 
find American made generators thus the battery driven one.
  I have had great success with my home-made cs both with friends and animals.  
I do not sell it but give it away to those friends who want it; my reward is 
seeing the good results.
  A few examples.  A friend with an infected thumb nail with red streaks having 
already reached the second knuckle.  Anti-biotics provided by her doctor did 
not help.  I suggested cs.  Wrapped finger in cotton balls soaked in cs which 
she wrapped in saran wrap and sealed to prevent leakage.  She kept this on 
overnight and also drank about 3 Tablespoons cs three times a day.  Within 24 
hours the red streaks had disappeared and within four days all the poison 
in/around the nail had disappeared but it was still tender.  A week later the 
nail was back to normal.
  Fourteen months ago a vomiting/diahorrea virus hit the UK.  A friend and I 
went down with it at the same time.  During the night it wasn't even worth 
leaving the bathroom and even drinks of water came back.  At 6.00 am I started 
taking tiny sips of cs together with 1/4 teaspoon of undiluted pure ginger 
cordial.  These stayed down and I kept this up throughout the day, that night I 
slept well and in the morning ate a small breakfast and did not need the 
bathroom.  .  I telephoned my friend
  at that point and was groaningly told she was still in the bathroom
  and utterly exhausted.  I took her cs and the ginger and advised she follow 
my routine throughout the day.  She did and was able to hold down hot tea and a 
little bread that evening.  When she woke up during the night she took the cs 
and ginger.  By morning she ate a small breakfast with more tea.  It stayed 
with her.  Within 24 hours we were both back to normal apart from feeling 
  Meanwhile......her two neighbours also had this virus, in fact they 
contracted it about 20 hours before we did.  We offered them cs and ginger but 
they refused.  It took them a week before they started to recover and three 
weeks before they were back to normal.
  Three months ago a friend telephoned to say her cat had appalling gingivitas 
which was not responding to the vet's antibiotics (£138.00/$274.00 worth) the 
last course of which she had just completed, could I help.  I pointed out I was 
NOT a vet but I would be happy to make up a batch of cs for her to try.  Four 
days later she telephoned to say the cat was really responding well, the gums 
were less inflamed  and she was now able to eat.  As I feed my dogs the BARF 
diet (raw meaty bones etc) I suggested she dump the tinned cat food which did 
nothing for the teeth and try raw chicken necks which require chewing.  I gave 
her a bag of frozen necks which she cut into inch long cubes after defrosting.  
The cat loved them.  Two weeks later the cat's mouth was back to normal.  The 
cat still receives a large percentage of chicken necks (now crunched whole) in 
her diet. 
  Four years ago another friend was having problems with mouth ulcers.  Once 
again doctor's anti-biotics did not eliminate the problem.  I gave her a bottle 
of cs and within a few days the ulcers had gone.  She uses the cs as a mouth 
wash about twice a week and the problem has never come back.
  I just thought I would share the above with you.  
  I do not take cs regularly but only when I need it or as a preventive when 
viruses are flying around.  My husband swears by it too.
  Frances Brown
  Suffolk, UK

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