a friend, worked out at his gym, with a 22 yr old young man, who had an unhealing open sore on each shin. ama docs couldn't get it to heal. the young man was taken to the UCLA medical center, where even amputation was discussed. they used the term "sepsis" which i believe is another term for staph. i gave the kid a jug of EIS, he used it, in conjunction with the non-effective meds the AMA docs were subscribing. at that point, the two open sores started healing. i met and talked to him personally friday, and he was ecstatic.

also, my sis-in-law used eis on her dogs open wound left over from a mauling, and it healed it up 3-4 days. there are more examples.


bob smith wrote:

Several days ago I asked about using EIS for Staph. Could someone give me an answer? Bob Smith

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